The Low Market of Athkatla is no place for the more delicate flowers of civilization. For those of a less savory character, or whose reputations need not be protected quite so zealously, however, the Low Market is a bazaar like no other. Goods and services of all kinds can be had as long as the price is right, and the price is always right. But today, the coin of the realm seems to be something other than gold. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Amn for characters levels 4-7.

DM: Perry (pgfrix)


  • Callidus – Human Rogue, Level 6 (Chris – Nuke)
  • Grimjaw Skullcrusher – Dwarven Fighter, Level 7 (Craig – EvilRubberDucky)
  • Lorix Paumer – Human Rogue, Level 6 (Brett – khyron)
  • Hardek – Dwarven Druid, Level 6 (Joe – joef60532)
  • Aelar – Elven Ranger, Level 7 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Sadron – Elven Cleric, Level 5 (Chris – Kristoph)

(Slideshow Photos Also Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome! For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.

Isolation can be a boon, but when strange events leave the members of an airborne boarding school for young nobles in High Dale ill, only aid from outside can offer a solution. Can the PCs solve this discretely and in time? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Dalelands for characters levels 1-4.

DM: Chris (Nuke)


  • Shadow – Human Assassin, Level 2 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Keldaer’lyn – Revenant Drow Assassin, Level 4 (Craig – EvilRubberDucky)
  • Kairos – Tiefling Warlock, Level 3 (Joe – joef60532)
  • Nereth – Elven Cleric, Level 2 (Brett – khyron)
  • Miranda – Human Assassin, Level 2 (Perry – pgfrix)
  • Splash – Genasi Swordmage, Level 2 (Russell – Russell the Muscle)

After long journeys in from as far south as Westgate, our adventurers convened in Daerlun just in time to find a young professor named Torleaf in desperate need of their investigative services.  It seemed that his school, Arrowpoint, while awesomely floating hundreds of feet in the air on a massive earthmote, still suffered from the pressures of modern society and had begun showing odd symptoms throughout the student body that some might correlate to drug usage. Torleaf didn’t know where or how, or even the who that could be infecting their prestigious academy, but hopefully our heroes could get to the bottom of it…

Once the group had endured a partially traumatic elevator/griffon ride up to the top of the massive rock where the school resided, they immediately began to scout around as inconspicuously as possible for clues, posing as new teachers for a variety of randomly vacant positions. They soon learned that the situation had taken a turn for the worse when it was mentioned that Lord Statwick, the head of the school, had gone missing shortly after Torleaf had left “for business,” thus proving all the more why time was of the essence.  Between makeshift classes covering the party’s skills of everything from fencing and physical fitness, politics, and even a dash of TV/VCR repair, they did their best to survey both the lay of the land and also the other teachers until late one afternoon they uncovered the break that they were looking for.

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Deep in the woods on the far side of the earthmote stood an old cabin that had apparently become the hangout for one of the school’s premiere cliques – the same clique, in fact, that a student who had recently gone missing as well belonged to.  In persuing their lead, however, the party approached the cabin just in time to find another closing in as well – a familiar face, even, but with not nearly as virtuous motives.  Forced to draw blades against the Weapons Master of the school himself to defend the children who had now taken refuge inside the cabin, the group took many blows before felling Sir Rodan and his battalion of hell hounds…

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After defeating the rogue teacher and discovering that he, along with one of the students, had been charmed into assisting the literature instructor, Barlunien, spread the drugs around the school, our heroes found themselves in a race against time to return to the school and hunt down Barlunien before he could do anymore harm. Of course, they feared the worst and nearly found it as they approached to see even larger quantities of students than ever before succumbed by the efforts of the poisonous drug.  Fighting their way through the sickly masses, they did their best to calm the crowd and heal what students they could before continuing on into the school’s hidden dungeon and eventually Barlunien’s secret lab.

Granted, they didn’t get far before they encountered the tragic results of alchemical waste in the form of mutant plants with a particular thirst for blood…

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Slowly the party beat back the vicious vines until they finally made their way into the vile teacher’s inner sanctum. In one cell near the far end of the room sat the captive headmaster Statwick, however it soon became clear that Barlunien’s henchmen would stop at nothing to end the encounter long before a rescue was possible.  They came on strong, quickly bloodying over half the party and sadly reducing the Genasi Splash to nothing more than a puddle before the heroes were finally able to identify a small weakness and gain the upperhand. After a long and harsh battle, they eventually brought Barlunien to his knees and were able to both save Lord Statwick and craft an antidote to restore the school, however the triumph was no doubt a bit less sweet without everybody’s favorite radical swordmage around to share in the spoils.

The war on drugs may have finally been over, however victory always comes at a price.

(Additional Photos Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome! For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn or visit our website at

The paladins of Elturgard are at wits’ end; bandits are looting the trade city, Scornubel. With the depletion of much-needed resources, someone needs to flush the bandits out of their nests — and perhaps become local heroes in the process. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Elturgard for characters levels 1-4.

DM: Russell (Russell the Muscle)


  • Shadow – Human Assassin, Level 2 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Keldaer’lyn – Revenant Drow Assassin, Level 2 (Craig – EvilRubberDucky)
  • Francis Lazare – Human Wizard, Level 4 (David)
  • Albus Mors – Human Swordmage/Warlock, Level 3 (Chris – Nuke)
  • Reed – Dwarven Fighter, Level 3 (Joe – joef60532)
  • Eo – Kalashtar Cleric, Level 4 (Perry – pgfrix)

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(Slideshow Photos Also Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome! For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.

Westgate, the City of Coin is a haven for all races and creeds. But now the Docks and Moonside districts hide something more sinister, an affliction that threatens to spread to all corners of the city if it is not dealt with in its infancy. With madness and agony the result, it is up to the PCs to discover and eradicate the cause. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Dragon Coast for character levels 1-4.

DM: Brett (khyron)


  • Albus Mors – Human Swordmage/Warlock, Level 1 (Chris – Nuke)
  • Shadow – Human Assassin, Level 2 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Aldo “Super” Nova – Deva Wizard, Level 1 (Mike – DnDTeacher)
  • Mose-Ir (“Moose”) – Kalashtar Ardent, Level 3 (Chris – Kristoph)
  • Keldaer’lyn – Revenant Drow Assassin, Level 2 (Craig – EvilRubberDucky)

After an encounter with a familiar face (more to some than others) in a small bar in Westgate, the party came to learn that their current host was unfortunately surrounded by a horrible plight.  As the Sisters of Selune were quick to explain, an evil drug called “Confidence” had been spreading through the city and they were in desperate need of some adventurers to help get to the bottom of it.

Always happy to be of assistance to such fair ladies of the female persuasion, the party took to the streets and soon collected several intriguing tidbits of information about the drug’s origin.  They made “acquaintances” with a local thug who had been peddling to make a quick buck, convinced him to point them in the direction of his own source for the goods – a small lab on the other side of town, and heck, Moose even dropped some coin to get the lowdown on starting a franchise of his very own! It seemed like things were going well … almost too well when suddenly upon their exit they found themselves being confronted, rather violently, actually, by a very small woman wielding a very long whip…

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Fortunately, this wasn’t exactly our adventurers first rodeo and they were able to dispatch the assassin and her rooftop bandits with relative ease, however the message was still clear – somebody wasn’t pleased with their intrusion and the threats that they now posed to their operation. Another bout of luck presented itself shortly thereafter when a member of the local Fire Knives approached the group just out of combat and offered up insight towards taking down the drug cartel, as it posed a grave concern for them as well.

Now armed with directions to the encampment where the leaders behind this drug consortium could be found, the party made haste to head for the source to end the drug trafficking in Westgate once and for all.

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The impressive, iron gates shielding the entrance to the compound may have intimidated some random passersby, however it only took a bit of ingenuity and a bit of stealthiness to elude the guards and sneak into the facility on a nearby cart. From there, a little more sneakery and also some fire, by means of a newly broken lantern, provided the bizarre combination of both cover and general confusion required for the group to make their way into the inner sanctum of the lair. The few random guards proved to be little challenge for the seasoned warriors, however their boss seemed to be somewhat more prepared for his final confrontation…

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Wicked-looking cape and all, the evil mastermind behind the drug showed little sign of giving up without a fight, ordering his last loyal guards into harm’s way in his defense and then finally proceeding to nearly burn his own laboratory down in a fury of multi-colored flames as the battle progressed, however in the end the powers of good were victorious and not only was the party able to put an end to the drug’s distribution in the city of Westgate, they also obtained new information that would send them north into the Dalelands to further squelch out a massive shipment of the drug that had already been exported prior to their arrival.

As they say, this was the beginning of something big…

(Additional Photos Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome! For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn or visit our website at

Only a sliver of light separates those who profit and those who perish on the island of Moray. When that light is extinguished, it is difficult for even the greatest heroes to find their way. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in The Moonshae Isles for characters levels 4-7.

DM: Joe (joef60532)


  • Grimjaw Skullcrusher – Dwarven Fighter, Level 7 (Craig – EvilRubberDucky)
  • Aelar – Elven Ranger, Level 7 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Sadron – Elven Cleric, Level 5 (Chris – Kristoph)
  • Garret – Human Paladin, Level 5 (Brian – Stylo)

It was the speck of good luck that our heroes needed when they bumped into Ulrik Ragnarsson while they were enjoying a few pints of ale at the Once Dry Toad Inn of Warlsbry. Having been owed a great debt of thanks by his father, the King of Norland, Ulrik was happy to offer our adventurers some work in the form of security detail on his ship, The Lightning, as it traded much needed supplies with Langmuir on the Island of Moray. The job seemed a bit secretive, but in this line of work, sometimes it’s best not to ask questions…

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Then again, a few questions might not have been a bad idea, such as, “Does everyone here know how to swim?” and “Hey, what’s in all of these boxes?!” Instead our heroes found the answers to these and more the hard way when The Lightning wrecked off the coast of Moray and they all scrambled first to save themselves (and eventually each other), and then the precious cargo itself, which turned out to be valuable alchemical supplies that Ulrik feared might fall into the wrong hands if left behind.

It wasn’t until they reached the small town of Langmuir that the party learned that the wrong hands were actually those of a particularly nasty band of werefolk called the Black Bloods. Well, some of the party learned this, anyways, and inevitably before long they found themselves volunteered, by their fearless captain, of course, to face off against the Black Bloods in a last ditch effort to try and save the town from their evil wrath. Ulrik was their ride home, so ultimately they had no choice but to accept the lycanthropic challenge…

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As it turns out, werewolves are really freaking strong, and thus Bloodeye, their leader, put up one hell of a fight at the foot of the region’s lighthouse as the foursome unloaded nearly everything they had in an attempt to drop the feral beast. Even with a few truly amazing blows, the brute nearly insisted on taking the party down with him, even managing to spread a bit of his patented Moon Frenzy around before finally throwing in the werewolf equivalent of the proverbial towel!

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By the time the party was able to make it back to town after cleaning up their considerable wounds, they found that the remaining Black Bloods had already begun their assault on Langmuir. Fortunately for a change, though, their numbers were much worse than their actual bite and now well-rested, the team was able to clear the streets and beat down the terrorizing were-creatures with relative ease. Though the town itself sustained great losses, the council and townsfolk were nonetheless appreciative of the group’s brave efforts, and encouraged their return again soon, anticipating that the lycanthropes might very well regroup and seek retribution.

The four heartily replied that they’d think about it, but next time they’d find their own ride over to the island…

(Additional Photos Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome! For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.

On most occasions, the trip from the ruins of Spellgard back to civilization is reasonably safe. But what happens when the road is more dangerous than expected – especially when shadows bite? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Fallen Lands for characters levels 4 – 7.

DM: Perry (pgfrix)


  • Callidus – Human Rogue, Level 4 (Chris – Nuke)
  • Aelar – Elven Ranger, Level 6 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Lorix Paumer – Human Rogue, Level 5 (Brett – khyron)
  • Grimjaw Skullcrusher – Dwarven Fighter, Level 6 (Craig – EvilRubberDucky)
  • Hardek – Dwarven Druid, Level 5 (Joe – joef60532)

As far as adventuring goes, serving as an escort usually isn’t a bad gig.  The pay is good, the clients tend to exaggerate the actual amount of trouble that they’re in, and if you play your cards right, sometimes there’s even a priestess or a merchant’s daughter in it for ya when all is said and done!  Of course, likewise there’s also the random occasion where the man hiring is kind of a cheapskate, he doesn’t realize that he’s being hunted by a dragon, and the closest the party ever gets to a shapely priestess is a creepy, old swamp hag with a glass eye.

I’ll leave it to you to guess which kind of gig this was…

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It’s a tough call to decide which would be worse – A) coming to find that the trail you need to follow has completely vanished, or B) getting ambushed while attempting to cross the rickety bridge serving as an alternate route.  Then again, if you’re Cal, you might actually answer C) getting thrown off of said rickety bridge and far too close to the mouth of an angry crocodile waiting hungrily below.  Few words can be said to reassure a comrade in that particular situation, although, “Yes – of course I remembered to tie off that rope you were climbing back up!” probably would’ve been a good start…

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The streak of mayhem continued as the party eventually found itself lending “favors” to a repulsive, old hag residing in the swamp for her cooperation in helping them get out, but of course, no one ever mentions the big, evil dragon who spits acid and eats bipeds for lunch still to be overcome!  This particular lizard’s name was Terror, appropriate enough for a beast that hides in her own shadows and flies around like she owns the place, but fortunately, as it were, Grimjaw still likes killin’ things and pretty much single-handedly dropped the scaly foe while the rest of the group took turns firing off their weapons in random directions that sounded particularly dragon-ish.

Say what you will, but the strategy gets results…

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Luckily, at the end of the day our heroic heroes still managed to get the job done and earn a few extra buckazoids for their efforts before heading back out of town in search of their next exciting adventure for fame and profit.  Nobody ever said that this job was easy, but then again, that’s just not the kind of thing that one says to a dwarf who walks around carrying a big axe…

(Additional Photos Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome!  For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.


Coming Soon!

   posted by under Tampa D&D DMs Blog

There may not be much here to look at now, but eventually this blog will feature the sage-like advice from our group’s DMs on all matters relating to running their games, from preparation and planning, smoothly running encounters, and more!  If you’re one of these DMs and have some ideas for future articles, please use the Contact Us form to send me your suggestions.

Otherwise, stay tuned for more details!  New articles will appear on the homepage when they are posted.

Luruar is a haven of peace and culture surrounded by howling wilderness studded with lost ruins, hidden temples, and the lairs of foul, vicious creatures. Things that are lost, however, do not always stay so and some things hidden refuse to remain in darkness. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Luruar for characters levels 1-4.

DM: Mike (DnDTeacher)


  • Shadow – Human Assassin, Level 1 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Dosa – Longtooth Shifter Ranger, Level 2 (Brett – khyron)
  • Jinn – Half-Orc Monk, Level 1 (Joe – joef60532)
  • Caesar – Tiefling Wizard, Level 2 (David)
  • Vann – Halfling Monk, Level 1 (Brian)

Traditionally speaking, adventurers have been known to accept jobs that most commoners would do everything possible to steer clear of … of course, traditionally that’s why they’re called adventurers, however when this particular band of thrill seekers decended upon historic city of Silverymoon in search of such dangers, it might have been suggested that frankly, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into…

After finding the distraught warrior Halaskar alone in a bar drinking away the loss of his fallen comrades, the party was so moved by his plight that they offered to venture deep into the High Forest of Luruar themselves to retrieve the bodies of his own fellow adventurers – needless to say, over a few mugs of cold ale it just seemed like the right thing to do, and before long the group began the several day journey through the dangerous wilderness in the direction of the last whereabouts of Halaskar’s party.

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On the 5th day of traveling both between cities and through the treacherous forest itself, the group came to a small clearing on the edge of river where they found the hidden tomb that Halaskar had mentioned in his tale of woe. Sure enough, they also found the first of many orcs who had laid waste to the group of warriors and after some slightly embarrassing difficulty in crossing the river itself, the party worked as a team to send them to their makers, however not without the orcs getting in several devastating blows along the way themselves…

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Once inside the ancient tomb, our heroes discovered a single survivor – a badly injured dwarf – and did what they could to patch him up before exploring the tomb. Mentioning threat of the orcs’ return with even more warriors to finish pillaging the tomb, the dwarf encouraged the party to do whatever they could to preserve the artifacts within the tomb before their arrival.

Of course, upon further exploration, they soon found that the tomb itself wasn’t quite ready to just hand over its treasures to any random adventurers, and thus the party found themselves in another battle – this time with some very angry trees, believe it or not, that put up quite the defense before falling to the group’s blows.

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After exploring what proved to be a false path at one end of the tomb, the party finally felt like they were closer than ever to uncovering the tomb’s inner sanctum where they believed its greatest treasures could be found, however it was here where they fought their most devastating battle of all against the tomb’s final guardians, seeing almost the entire party teetering on the edge of death itself before a few supremely lucky shots finally fell the silvered beasts and allowed the group a few precious moments to get back on their feet before proceeding into the final resting chamber of the ancient tomb.

Above a lone sarcophagus, the group found floating the ghost of Tarnruth, an eladrin wizard who had died defending her country from the ever-impeding orcish hordes who even back then ravished the land.  It wasn’t easy, but the party was able to convince the woman that they meant only to help the previous adventurers who had fallen there and would do whatever they could to defend the temple from the returning warband.  She eventually decided that her final treasures should go to brave adventurers who would use them to fight against her timeless enemies, and with that the group gathered the surviving dwarf along with the remains of his comrades and began the long journey back to Silverymoon and an extremely appreciative, albeit still mourning Halaskar.

It’s of no doubt that even the warriors themselves were a bit surprised by their own survival as they ventured back towards civilization, but with the confidence that they had done a great service both to the two surviving members of Halaskar’s adventuring party as well as the ancient kingdom of Eaerlann itself, deep down they knew that their own bloodshed during battle still served a greater purpose…

(Additional Photos Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome!  For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.

When antipathy prevents an old man from getting an escort to the south, you are his last resort. Can you help him reach the jungles and a possible cure for his ailing adopted daughter? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Akanul for characters levels 1-4.

DM: Chris (Kristoph)


  • Shadow – Human Assassin, Level 1 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Tanche Oughord – Longtooth Shifter Fighter, Level 4 (Brett – khyron)
  • Miyah Arrowfall – Elven Seeker, Level 1 (Perry – pgfrix)
  • Balasar – Dragonborn Paladin, Level 1 (Chris – Korlin)
  • Heskan Kavar – Dragonborn Cleric, Level 2 (James)
  • Ceasar – Tiefling Wizard, Level 1 (David)

(Slideshow Photos Also Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome! For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.

A great hunt has been called in the jungles of Chult. The Amnian trading costers of Port Nyranzaru are competing to see which one can bring in the biggest, rarest beasts as trophies, and they?re looking for adventuring companies to do the hunting. Are you and your companions up to the challenge? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Chult for characters levels 1-4.

DM: Russell (Russell the Muscle)


  • Patrin – Dragonborn Fighter, Level 3 (Scott – ssevener)
  • Tanche Oughord – Longtooth Shifter Fighter, Level 4 (Brett – khyron)
  • Ollivar – Elven Ranger, Level 4 (Perry – pgfrix)
  • Sadron – Elven Cleric, Level 4 (Chris – Kristoph)
  • Merokh – Dragonborn Warlord, Level 2 (David)

It seemed a simple enough challenge – the trading houses of Amn wanted a great hunt featuring the most savage of magical beasts in the land, and The Brute Squad loves killing savage, magical beasts of all shapes and sizes.  Talk about your win-win situation!

Their expedition would take them deep into the dangerous jungles surrounding the city of Port Nyranzaru in search of the most terrifying, blood-thirsty beast to claim as their trophy.  No doubt such a beast wouldn’t much be interested in just going quietly, thus the competition was to for the most part be a test of the pure physical strength and combat prowess that would be required to slay such a deadly creature.  To aid them in their journey, each adventuring company was graced with the sponsorship of one of the local businesses – in the case of our fearless heroes, they chose to fly the banner of Naelishti’s Naturals, who in turn provided them with a patented salve capable of fending off many of the hazardous insects and plants that they would no doubt encounter in the depths of the jungle.

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Once on their way, admittedly it did take our heroes some time to find their bearings before tracking down anything of worth – giant walls were traversed and with strange, lizardmen they conversed, and ultimately the party learned that nearby was an area frequented by a number of other lizard-like creatures of small, large, and very large varieties. At one point, the group was also confronted by a fellow adventuring company whose tactics seemed just a bit unsportsman-like, however our adventurers chose to take the higher road and opted to continue their search for the contest rather than get into a fight with another team.  When they soon after found out that the supersized creature that they had been tracking was, in fact, a young green dragon, all felt confident that they had made the right choice!

Of course, finding a dragon and actually killing a dragon are two very different things and as any seasoned adventurer will tell you, “a little dragon” is still “a dragon” nonetheless, and this little, green beauty certainly had no intentions of going down without a fight!  Between pushing one of the fighters into the river and flying well out of reach of the second, she gave the party quite the run for their money until the ranger was finally able to weaken her with enough arrows that she made a temporary retreat and allowed the party a chance to regroup.  From there it seemed that her demise was only a matter of time and even though she continued to keep our brave warriors hopping with a vicious tail sweep, in the end it was her head that ended up as their trophy and not the other way around…

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Now no epic story would be complete without a good moral, and the moral that would soon be learned, or rather taught on this hunting day was that “Cheaters never win.” Also appropriate would’ve been “Don’t take things that don’t belong to you…” and even more important still, “Don’t f*$@# with a team that just took down a green dragon and lived to tell about it!” One would think that last one would be particularly important to consider before deciding to ambush somebody to steal their spoils, but either way, after working hard for their kill, The Brute Squad was more than happy to teach that returning party a thing or two about why they had chosen the wrong party to ambush because they weren’t tough enough to slay their own dragon themselves.

Needless to say, the battleground was stained that afternoon both with the blood of a very large green dragon and also that of a particularly arrogant adventuring party who needed a lesson in adventuring etiquette…

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Upon their return back to Port Nyranzaru, the team did their best to polish up their battle trophy of the dragon’s head before turning it into the judges, and some say that it was those little finishing touches that pushed them over the top because when the final tallies were made, it was proudly declared that The Brute Squad was the grand victor of The Great Hunt and there was much rejoicing!  Their sponsor was absolutely thrilled to be associated with the winning party and as a result, The Brute Salve should be available later on this year wherever fine adventuring products are sold.  Even better yet, the group found themselves not having to buy their own drinks for the remainder of their stay in port as the townsfolk swarmed them to hear the courageous tale of their epic hunt.

All in all, not bad for a day’s work, indeed!

(Additional Photos Available Here)
Living Forgotten Realms is a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons shared-world campaign played Wednesday nights at Anthem Games, among hundreds of other locations around the world.

New players are always welcome!  For more information or to sign-up for a future game, come check out our current schedule on Warhorn.